
  • 2016 mit Désirée Bender “Transnational long-term care arrangements: The case of old age care migration from german-speaking countries to Thailand and Poland.” Vortrag auf der IMISCOE 13th Annual Conference “Migration and Development”, Prag, June/July 2016.
  • 2016 “La Participación de las Inmigrantes Peruanas en el Cuidado Transnacional”. Eröffnungsvortrag auf dem 3. Seminario-taller Migración Femenina “Globalización de la maternidad y del cuidado”, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, April 2016.
  • 2016 mit Cornelia Schweppe “Aging in a Digital Age: Managing family relationships and emotions through information and communication technologies”. Vortrag auf der 6. European Conference on Social Work Research, Lissabon, März/April 2016.
  • 2016 “Aging across Borders: Older Peruvian Migrants’ Transnational Involvement”. Vortrag auf dem International Exploratory Workshop “Ageing Migrants: methodological tools for comparative research”, Neuchâtel, März 2016.
  • 2015 “Peruvian Migrants’ Capacity and Desire to Visit Family Members ‘Back Home’. Vortrag auf dem International Expert Workshop “International Migration and visits ‘back home’, Mainz, Dezember 2015.
  • 2015 mit Cornelia Schweppe “From North to South: Old Age Care Migration from Germany to Thailand as a New Piece in the Global Care Chain Mosaic. Vortrag auf dem International Exploratory Workshop “Transnational Care in Digital Age”, Neuchâtel, Oktober 2015.
  • 2015 “Presenting Data from Research on Older Peruvians in Spain and Peru.” Vortrag auf dem internationalen Workshop “Ageing Migrants: Studying by Comparing”, Genf, März 2015.
  • 2015 “Patterns and Determinants of Older Peruvian Migrants’ Visits ‘back Home’.” Vortrag auf dem internationalen Symposium “Organizing Aging Transnationally and its Social Implications”, Mainz, März 2015.
  • 2014 “Aging and Care Circulation across Borders: Perspectives of older Peruvians in Spain and Peru.” Vortrag auf der internationalen Konferenz Transborder. Transnation. Transformation. Mainz, September 2014.
  • 2014 “Patterns of Intergenerational Support among Older Peruvian Migrants: Insights from the first Worldwide Survey on the Peruvian Community abroad.” Vortrag auf der IMISCOE 11th Annual Conference ‘Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation’, Madrid, August 2014.
  • 2014 “Migration Regimes and Transnational Family Care Opportunities of older Peruvians in Spain and the United States.” Vortrag auf dem internationalen Symposium "Aging across Borders: A Transnational Look at Just Social Policies of Care", University of Southern California, Januar/Februar 2014.
  • 2013 mit Cornelia Schweppe “Moving Carers in, Moving Care out: Towards a New 'Couple' in Germany's Old Age Policy?” Vortrag auf dem internationalen Workshop "Translating Welfare and Migration Policies in Canada and Germany - Transatlantic and Transnational Perspectives in Social Work", Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October 2013.
  • 2013 “Geographical Mobility of older Peruvians Non-Migrants as Care Opportunities. Impacts of the recent Crisis.” Vortrag auf der IMISCOE 10th Annual Conference “Crisis and Migration – Perceptions, Challenges and Consequences”, Malmö, August 2013.
  • 2012 “Material disponible? Aged Peruvians as multiple Resources in Transnational Families.” Vortrag auf dem internationalen Symposium “Transnational Aging: Current Insights and Future Challenges”, Mainz, September 2012.