
Monografien & Herausgeberschaften

  • Horn, V. & Fokkema, T. (im Erscheinen). Special Issue: “Older refugees: Who are they and how are they faring?”. Journal of Refugee Studies.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas Callejo, M. (2021). The global old-age care industry: Tapping into migrants for tackling the old age care crisis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2019). Special Issue: Transnational mobilities of care in old age. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 13 (2)
  • Horn, V. (2019). Aging within transnational families. The case of older Peruvians. London/New York: Anthem Press.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2017). Special Issue: “Transnational Aging: Towards a Transnational Perspective in Old Age Research”. European Journal of Ageing 14 (4).
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2015). Transnational Aging – Current Insights and Future Challenges. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C. & Um, S. (2013). Special Issue: “Transnational Aging – A Young Field of Research”. Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal 3 (1).

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften

  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C. & Semmler, M. (2021). Older People in Germany During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Least, the More, and the Most Affected. Journal of Population Ageing.
  • Horn, V. (2021). Ältere Geflohene: Lebenssituationen und Bedürfnisse. Migration und Soziale Arbeit, 43 (3): 256-262.
  • Horn, V. (2021). Financiación, legalización y calidad en el cuidado de 24 horas en la vejez en Alemania: perspectivas e intereses. Revista Española de Sociología, 30 (1): 1-21.
  • Horn, V. and Schweppe, C. (2020). Häusliche Pflege in Zeiten von Covid-19. Nachrichtendienst des Deutschen Vereins für öffentlichen und private Fürsorge e.V., 10/2020, 449-454.
  • Horn, V. & Fokkema, T. (2020). Transnational ties: Resource or stressor on Peruvian migrants’ well-being? Population, Space and Place, 26 (8): e2356. DOI: 10.1002/psp.235
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2019). Guest Editorial: Transnational mobilities of care in old age. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 13 (2): 9-22.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2019). Gewaltpotentiale und Gewaltschutz in Privathaushalten mit 24-Stunden-Pflegekräften. Explorative Annäherungen. Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik, 17 (4): 394-413.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2019). Alter(n) und nationale Grenzen überschreitende Mobilität in Europa: Herausforderungen für die Soziale Altenarbeit. Sozialmagazin, 9-10, 40-46.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas Callejo, M. (2019). Live-in Migrant Care Worker Arrangements in Germany and the Netherlands: Motivations and Justifications of Family Decision-Making. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 13 (2): 83-114.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2017). Transnational Aging: Towards a Transnational Perspective in Old Age Research. European Journal of Ageing 14 (4): 335-339.
  • Horn, V. (2017). Situating Transnational Activities: Peruvian Migrants’ Family Visits in a Comparative Perspective. Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal 7 (1), 90-106.
  • Horn, V. (2017). Migrants’ family visits and the life course: Interrelationships between age, capacity and desire. Global Networks, 17 (4), 518-536.
  • Horn, V. (2017). Cross-border Mobility and Long-distance Communication as Modes of Care Circulation: Insights from the Peruvian ‘Zero Generation’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43 (2), 303-320.
  • Horn, V. (2016). Older Peruvian Migrants Capacity and Desire to Send Remittances from Spain. The Latin Americanist, 60 (2), 269-292.
  • Bender, D., Hollstein, T., Horn, V., Huber, L. & Schweppe, C. (2014). Mapping Transnationalism. Old age care facilities and care-seeking elderly on the move. Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal 4 (2-3), 290-293.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C. & Um, S. (2013). Transnational Aging. A Young Field of Research. Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal 3 (1), 7-10.

Beiträge in Handbüchern und Sammelbänden

  • Horn, V. (im Erscheinen). Ageing and globalisation: Global care chains and migrant care work. In: Motel-Klingebiel, A., Foster, L. & Luo, B. (Eds.): Research Handbook on the Sociology of Ageing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Schweppe, C. & Horn, V. (im Erscheinen). Alter und Alternsforschung. In: Hummrich, M. et al. (Eds.): Erziehungswissenschaftliche Migrationsforschung. Berlin: Springer.
  • Horn, V. (2023). Older migrants and care recipiency. In: Torres, S. & Hunter, A. (Eds.), Handbook on Ageing and Migration (pp. 322-332). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Horn, V. (2022). Transnational ageing and the later life course. In: Yeoh, B. & Collins, F. (Eds.): Handbook on Transnationalism (pp. 77-92). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Schweppe, C. & Horn, V. (2022). Handlungsfelder Sozialer Arbeit mit alten Menschen. In: Bleck, C. & van Rießen, A. (Eds.): Soziale Arbeit mit alten Menschen. Ein Studienbuch zu Theorien, Prinzipien und Methoden (pp. 27-40). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Horn, V. (2022). Alemania ante la COVID-19. Fases, factores y futuro. In: Montes de Oca, V. & Vivaldo-Martínez, M. (Eds.): Las personas mayores ante COVID-19. Perspectivas interdisciplinarias sobre envejecimiento y vejez (pp. 69-103). SUIEV-UNAM, México.
  • Schweppe, C. & Horn, V. (2022). Selbstbestimmung. In: Kessl, F. & Reutlinger, C. (Eds.): Sozialraum – eine elementare Einführung (pp. 631-641). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Böcker, A., Bruquetas-Callejo, M., Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2021). ‘This is affordable!’ The role of money matters in the use of live-in migrant carer arrangements. In: de Lange, T., Maas, W. & Schrauwen, A. (Eds.): Money Matters in Migration. How money shapes migration, participation, and citizenship (pp. 149-168). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas-Callejo, M. (2021). The Global Old-age Care Industry: Tapping into care labor across and within national borders. In: Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas-Callejo, M. (Eds.): The global old-age care industry: Tapping into migrants for tackling the old age care crisis (pp. 1-27). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas-Callejo, M. (2021). Family carers’ expectations and strategies in shaping live-in migrant carer arrangements: A comparison between Germany and the Netherlands. In: Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas-Callejo, M. (Eds.): The global old-age care industry: Tapping into migrants for tackling the old age care crisis (pp. 57-78). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2021). Elder abuse in live-in migrant carer arrangements. In: Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Böcker, A. & Bruquetas-Callejo, M. (Eds.): The global old age care industry: Tapping into migrants for tackling the old age care crisis (pp. 291-313). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Horn, V. (2021). Transnational Aging and Quality of Life. In: Rojo-Perez, F. & Fernandez-Mayoralas, G. (Eds.): Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications (pp. 185-200). New York: Springer International Publishing.
  • Horn, V., Schröer, W. & Schweppe, C. (2020). Alte Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund und Fluchterfahrungen. In:  Aner, K. & Karl, U. (Eds.): Handbuch Soziale Arbeit und Alter (pp. 455-463). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Horn, V. (2019). Cross-border mobility and long-distance communication as modes of care circulation: insights from the Peruvian ‘zero generation’. In: Ciobanu, R. O., Fokkema, T. & Nedelcu, N. (Eds.): Ageing as a Migrant. Vulnerabilities, Agency and Policy Implications (pp. 140-157). London/New York: Routledge (republication).
  • Bender, D., Großmann, S., Hollstein, T.; Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2019). Alter(n) über nationale Grenzen hinweg. Ambivalente Formen sozialer Teilhabe. In: Kommission Sozialpädagogik (Eds.), Teilhabe durch*in*trotz Sozialpädagogik (pp. 159-171). Weinheim/Basel: Beltz.
  • Horn, V. (2018). Feminización de la migración peruana y cuidado familiar trasnacional: perspectivas desde la vejez. In: González Marín, M.L. & Rodríguez López, P. (Eds.): Migración y precaridad femenina en América Latina. Propuestas de política económica (pp. 47-68). Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, México.
  • Böcker, A., Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2017). Old Age Care Regimes and the emergence of Transnational Long-term Care Arrangements for the Elderly. In: Good Gingrich, L. & Köngeter, S. (Eds.): Transnational Social Policy, Social Welfare in a World on the Move (pp. 222-242). New York: Routledge.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2016). Envejecimiento transnacional – Perspectivas para el trabajo social. In: Kniffki, J. & Reutlinger, C. (Eds.): El Trabajo Social desde miradas transnacionales – Experiencias empíricas y conceptuales (pp. 173-192). Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2015). Introduction: Transnational Aging – Current Insights and Future Challenges (pp. 1-15). London/New York: Routledge.
  • Horn, V. (2015). Migration Regimes and Family-related Transnational Activities of Older Peruvians in Spain and the United States. In: Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (Eds.): Transnational Aging – Current Insights and Future Challenges (pp. 19-44). London/New York: Routledge.
  • Horn, V., Schweppe, C., Bender, D. & Hollstein, T. (2015). Moving (for) Elder Care Abroad: The fragile Promises of Old Age Care Facilities for Elderly Germans in Thailand. In: Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (Eds.): Transnational Aging – Current Insights and Future Challenges (pp. 163-177) London/New York: Routledge.

Berichte, Working Paper, Mediale Präsenz

  • Horn, V. (2022) Ältere Menschen in der Rückkehrberatung. Eine Perspektive aus der Praxis/Return counselling for older people. A perspective of caseworkers.
  • Böcker, A., Bruquetas-Callejo, M., Horn, V. & Schweppe, C. (2020). ‘This is affordable!’ The role of money matters in the use of live-in migrant carer arrangements. In: Nijmegen Sociology of Law Working Papers Series 2020/02. Verfügbar unter:
  • (2019). ZDF Morgenmagazin vom 10.03.2019 zum Thema „Krise in der Langzeitpflege“.